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Skilled Games. What Are They?


  • April 26, 2019

If you are wondering what qualifies as a skilled game, then you are not alone. In the last few years, several gambling commissions (GC) across the globe have banned individual sites that on the surface, look like they are running a legitimate game of skill. The reasoning is not always clear and can vary from country to country.

A skilled game should, as you may have guessed, require some element of skill. However, the trick is in getting the balance just right. Is your game too easy? You can get banned. Too hard? Users will not play on your site.

Tentacle Solutions offers a platform from which to run websites with Skilled Games; it is a repository for the games and their codes. The games provided by Tentacle Solutions comply with all of the terms and conditions laid down by the countries which allow games based on luck.

Our compliance with these terms and conditions ensures that you do not need a gambling license to run the website. These games are designed responsively and are geared to offer an excellent experience to the users.

Over the last 15 years, Tentacle Solutions has produced and refined our product continuously. We have invested our resources in ensuring the games reach the required standards and are impervious to the latest hacking methods.

Tentacle Solutions' extensive history and experience in the gaming world, makes us well qualified to assist you with running skilled game websites. We work closely with many of the leading barristers in the United Kingdom, who specialize in gaming, and who keep us "in the know" about current rules, laws, and gaming regulations.

Tentacle Solutions also has strong ties with leading financial payment providers, who ensure you stay on track when it comes to financial law. We refine our codes, to ensure that the game always falls in the remit of the rules laid down by the countries.

A common complaint by users in the field of Skilled Games is the belief that the game possesses biases towards specific players, or that it offers them an undue advantage. Tentacle Solutions makes sure that this isn't an issue with our codes. Our security professionals work hard to confirm that no one can change any of the factors, so all users are on a level playing.

A Skilled Games website can be highly profitable if you have an experienced team behind you, that understand what it takes to make a game "skilled." Contact Tentacle Solutions today to find out more.

Over the last 15 years, Tentacle Solutions has produced and refined our skilled games continuously

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